Student Research Projects
(come and ask!)
Gluons in Dense Matter
Lattice QCD with Julia
Confinement Models of Quarks and Gluons
- explore various ways to model confinement
- color group structure
Scattering Theory and Quark Hadron Duality
- the roles of quarks and gluons in hadron phenomenology
- VMD in chiral quark models
- manifestations of chiral symmetry
Hadron Yields in Heavy Ion Collisions
- the Hadron Resonance Gas Model and working towards its improvement
- kinetic theory from field theory
- in-medium hadron masses from S-matrix
Aspects of Constituent Quark Models
- quarkonia and tetraquarks
- form factors, decays, and mixing
- coupled-channel model
Non-perturbative field theory
- Schwinger Dyson equations in Minkowski space
- effects of boundary conditions
Topics in Quantum Mechanics
- supersymmetric quantum mechanics
- path integral
- Emilia’s notes
- constituent quark model